Contact us
Have you spotted a fault in the Fietsersbond Route Planner? Use our fault reporting system (in Dutch) or start a thread on the Fietsersbond Forum (which can be in English). You can also email us at
Do you have other questions? You can get in touch with the Fietsersbond Route Planner team at the Head Office of the Dutch Cyclists’ Union at:
Team Routeplanner
Kanaalweg 50
Postbus 2828
3500 GV Utrecht
030 - 291 81 71 (office hours)
Team Fietsersbond Routeplanner:
Bas Hendriksen (project manager), Astrid Koperberg, Edwin van Leeuwen, Jaap Kamminga, Martijn van Es and Wessel Zweers
Martijn van Es,, 06 - 536 720 85 or Fietsersbond Media relations, 030 - 291 81 11